Elizabeth works on the farm  (Photo: BBC Scotland)
Elizabeth works on the farm (Photo: BBC Scotland)

The wonderful story of a caring Scottish community

A heart-warming insight into an amazing community in Scotland is to feature on television next week.

Village of Dreams is an hour-long film which features a year in the life of the extraordinary village of Newton Dee, in Aberdeenshire.

This new documentary shows how people with learning disabilities are at the heart of busy village life.

The residents of Newton Dee are a mixture of people with learning disabilities and the people who care for them.

Everyone lives communally and works together in the farms, gardens, bakery and workshops here.

Resident Ali says: ‘It is really wonderful how this community has really brought us together. And we all look out and support each other.’

Elizabeth works on the farm (Photo: BBC Scotland)

The village is part of the Camphill movement which has taken off internationally after being developed in Scotland in the wake of the Second World War by Austrian paediatrician Dr Karl Konig who fled Vienna when his country was annexed by the Nazis.

From its beginnings in Aberdeenshire, within sight of the current Newton Dee village, it has now grown to include more than 100 communities across the world.

A warm, funny, life affirming programme, made by Hopscotch Films, Village of Dreams features the gamut of life in Newton Dee from spring lambs to a rabbit called Steph, a talent show and tales of killer seagulls.

Village of Dreams will be shown on BBC Two Scotland next Tuesday, June 12, from 9-10pm.
