Successful north east of Scotland gin festival will return in 2019
A gin festival is to be held in the north east of Scotland in February next year.
After this success of this year’s GIN:NE event, it will be returning to Inverurie, in Aberdeenshire, on Saturday 2 February and Sunday 3 February 2019.
It will take place in Inverurie Town Hall.
A spokesman said: ‘There will be the same emphasis on bringing you established and new gins from around the North East and the rest of Scotland.

This year’s GIN:NE was a success (Photo: GIN:NE/ The Gin Cooperative)
‘Giving you the chance to meet the makers and stock up on your favourites, our MasterClasses will also be returning as will the GIN:NE café and bars.
‘Following on from this year’s success, we will strive to make GIN:NE even better.
‘We have listened to our past exhibitors and to a cross section of our visitors and will be introducing quite a few improvements to make your visit more enjoyable.

Inverurie Town Hall will host GIN:NE 2019
‘We will, as always, keep you updated on who will be attending and what you will discover at GIN:NE 2019.’
There will be three sessions over the festival, with the first on 2 February from noon-4pm, a second on February from 6-10pm, and a third and final one on 3 February, from noon-4pm.
Tickets will go on sale later this year.
Meanwhile, the Inverurie Gin Club returns on the 8 March at 7pm at the Inverurie Whisky Shop. It is ‘Mother’s Ruin’ Night – where they will be tasting and trying gins that would make a great present for Mother’s Day.