At first glance, the thought of a dictionary of whisky isnt’t the most gripping.
However, appearances can be deceptive, and there’s plenty of humour throughout.
Ross has brought together all aspects of the process into the one book, with absciscic acid and zephyr, featuring everything in between.

The Whisky Dictionary by Iain Hector Ross
Ben Averis’ illustrations break up the content, which is both a celebration of the Scots whisky industry, and also provides an insight for those on the outside, to understand what goes into creating each bottle.
The author’s passion for his subject matter helps bring each entry to life. If you know your scow from your scowff, this is definitely the book for you. Alternatively, if you want to find out the difference, the same applies.
The Whisky Dictionary by Iain Hector Ross, £14.99 from Sandstone Press.
Scottish Field rating: *****